Sunday, 10 August 2008

My Tuesday friends

On Tuesday I went for breakfast in the hostel. Unfortunately its set up like a restaurant and you have to pay so you can´t jsut go and sit at someoné table and strat cahtting to them. I sat ona tabel next to these girls who were talking very quietly but after some excessive leaning I gleaned that they were speaking English and asked them if I could join them. They were college friends from NY and Boston. From left to right they were called Stephanie, Maggie and Diana. Stephanie and Diana were the two I met at breakfasta dn they asked if I wasnted to go with them to see a craft market in a nearby town. I lept at the opportunity of company and spent the day with them. Aside from a disturbing taxi driver who belonged to an obscure religious cult and a ´dessert´ made form corn flour and sugar (the consistency of unwhisked eggwhite), the day was nothing to write home about. It was lovely to have company though and later we met up with Maggie. I sort of gate crashed a bit of a college reunion, but that was nothing, later in the week I crashed a honeymoon! I have no shame.
The girls had to leave early the next morning, which is the way it goes here.


KANDIE said...

Gatecrashing a honeymoon couple - you really do have not shame :0)

KANDIE said...

I meant no shame - doh

Amelia said...

They didn't mind, I made it a very special time for them OK?