Friday, 29 August 2008

Back at the ranch

This is a picture of our 'conejo'/rabbit at 'home'. I live with Rita and Tomek and Alanna in a part of a hostel. Our bit is self-contained and separated by a locked door to which we all have a key....we also have a doorbell... very important. It's basic but homely....and also covered in a lot of rabbit poop a lot of the time.

I have my own room at the moment and I've put my things! It's amazing how much pleasure I take from putting things away and cleaning myself these days. Since trekking and camping for 5 days and living in cramped hostel rooms for 3 weeks, I treasure such things as drawers, hot showers, toilets with seats, chairs to sit on.....lifes little luxuries!

The rabbit is called Chaplin. We haven't bonded yet, but he's coming around.

In the background of the picture you can see a rack with plastic cups in. Each day we pack a bag for the three schools we have. In each is a sandwich for each child (lovingly made by us at stupid o'clock in the morning) plus a bottle of wierd-looking hot breakfast drink they have here which is made with corn and is very....bitty) and the plastic cups. Every day when we get back the volunteers (just me after tuesday) wash the cups etc, ready for the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so lovely to be appreciating the "little" things in life we normally take for granted.

tell us more about your volunteering please!