Saturday 13 September 2008

Passed Salkantay and beyond

After passing by Salkantay we walked on towards the never-ending horizon. This surely has to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The proof of this is that I was silent, I walked for hours on my own not saying a word. It was perfect in its isolation and I disappeared.

This was where we camped the first night. This shot was taken the morning of the second day just as we were about to set off again. We got up in the dark and as you can see the ground was frozen over. I've never been that cold. I looked like a Michelin woman with all my layers on, but still I was frozen through and through. I can well understand how pre-incan and the incan civilisations worshipped the sun, it really feels like its breathing life back into you and the landscape when it rises in the morning.

As we walked on the second day it only took about half an hour to go from desolate mountain-side to lush green valleys, flourescent butterflies and fast-flowing rivers. It's such a varied landscape; mountains, dirt tracks, jungle, valleys, hot-springs...the list goes on....

My poor hat served me well on this trek. Walking in the mid-day sun I never got burnt once becasue of my trusty hat. Unfortunately, the perils of being packed in a back-pack every day were too much for it in the end and when I returned to Cusco it passed away. May it rest in peace x

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